Friday, June 15, 2007

Movie Review: The Usual suspects

This past week in media we've gotten to watch the movie "The Usual suspects." Im not usually big on action movies, but i actually felt this movie was really good, even though Kevin Spacey was the lead character. (Yeah, i really can't stand Kevin Spacey usually, its his voice or something, it really just drives me up the wall. maybe its the fact that his hair looks like a vampire. i dont know, all i know for sure is i usually just am not a fan of him.) Still, this movie had a really interesting an unique plot, and i thought it was cool that besides being a regular action movie it also incorportated a little bit of magical themes with The Devil being a bad guy-- now thats original. i was also quite surprised by who the devil in fact turned out being. that was such a shocker, oh my. I really dont want to give away anything to people who havent seen it yet, but all i can say is that people should deffinately see it when they can. This movie impressed me alot more than i thought it would, the usual suspects is deffinately a good movie.

* * * (3 stars)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

George Bush is the new Adolph Hilter :)

So many Americans in this day and age-- such as elizabeth from the veiw-- are totally supporting their president and trusting in him completely to lead their country to justice. but what so many people dont realize is that George .W. Bush is so similar to Adolph Hiltler. dont believe me? here are some of the ways Bush and hilter are similar.

1 - - Like Hitler, President Bush was not elected by a majority, but was forced to engage in political maneuvering in order to gain office.

2-- Like Hitler, Bush went on to pursue a reckless foreign policy without the mandate of the electorate and despite the opposition of most foreign nations.

3-- Like Hitler, Bush has increased his popularity with conservative voters by mounting an aggressive public relations campaign against foreign enemies. Just as Hitler cited international communism to justify Germany’s military buildup, Bush has used Al Qaeda and the so-called Axis of Evil to justify our current military buildup. Paradoxically none of the nations in this axis--Iraq, Iran and North Korea--have had anything to do with each other.

4--Like Hitler, Bush envisages our nation’s unique historic destiny almost as a religious cause sanctioned by God. Just as Hitler did for Germany, he takes pride in his “providential” role in spreading his version of Americanism throughout the entire world.

5--Like Hitler, Bush began to curtail civil liberties in response to a well-publicized disaster, in Hitler’s case the Reichstag fire, in Bush’s case the 9-11 catastrophe

6--Like Hitler, Bush uses the threat of enemies abroad to stir the fearful allegiance of the U.S. public. For example, he features public announcements of possible terrorist attacks in order to override embarrassing news coverage or to crowd from headlines positive coverage of Democratic Party activities. He also uses the threat of terrorism to justify extraordinary domestic powers granted by the Patriot Act.Even the books we check out of public libraries can be kept on record by federal agents.

7--Like Hitler, Bush misconstrues Darwinism(or the theory of evoloution), in Hitler’s case by treating the Aryan race as being superior on an evolutionary basis, in Bush’s case by rejecting science for fundamentalist creationism.

8-- Like Hitler, Bush and his cohorts emphasize the ruthlessness of their enemies in order to justify their own. Just as Hitler cited the threat of communist violence to justify even greater violence on the part of Germany, the bush team justified the invasion of Iraq by emphasizing Hussein’s crimes against humanity over the past twenty-five years. However, these crimes were for the most part committed when Iraq was a client-ally of the U.S. Our government supplied Hussein with illegal weapons (poison gas included), and there were sixty U.S. advisors in Iraq when these weapons were put to use (see NY Times, Aug. 18, 1992). U.S. aid to Iraq was actually doubled afterwards despite disclaimers from Washington that our nation opposed their use. President Reagan’s special envoy Donald Rumsfeld personally informed Hussein of this one hundred percent increment during one of his two trips to Iraq at the time. He also told Hussein not to take U.S. disclaimers seriously.

9--Like Hitler, Bush began warfare on a single front (Al Qaeda quartered in Afghanistan), but then expanded it to a second front with Iraq, only to be confronted with North Korea and Iran as potential third and fourth fronts. Much the same thing happened to Hitler when he advanced German military operations from Spain to Poland and France, then was distracted by Yugoslavia before invading the USSR in 1941. Today, bush seems prevented by the excessive costs of the Iraqi debacle from going to war elsewhere if reelected, but not through any lack of desire.

10--Like Hitler, Bush has become obsessed with his vision of conflict between good (U.S. patriotism) and evil (anti-Americanism.

In my opinion, the evidence is pretty un-deniable. i guess history really does repeat itself, in this case, unfortunately.

Bloc Party

Bloc party is one of the most popular new indie bands lately. . .and i must say, i really do love their music. particularily the song "this modern love." Its mellow but at the same time, its deffinately not background music. I love the sound of the lead singers voice too, he really has one of the best british accents, even better than the lead singer of the Artic monkeys--and i really do like the artic monkeys too. Im beginning to think that british indie music is one of the best sub-catergories of indie music. although really all indie music is great in my opinion. to hear the song check out this music video.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Marilyn Monroe. . .

Marilyn Monroe, in my opinion is one of the most beautiful actresses ever to set foot in hollywood. I've always thought of her as such an icon, she hardly seems like she could possibly have been a real person. But was she even a real person ? that name, that look ? actually, alot of things about her were fake. for example, she was naturally a brunette, with sort of mousy brown hair, and her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson. She had also had some cosmetic surgery, including getting her teeth fixed as they had protruded slightly. She had some more major surgery in the 1950's on her nose and chin. they tried to make her chin look more soft and rounded, and also made her nose signifigantly smaller. although she was pretty before she became the "marilyn monroe" she was known and loved for, she looked signifigantly different before she reached her stardom, see marilyn as a teenager in the picture below. back before Marilyn was famous, she was married to a man named James Doughtrey who fought in world war II. could you imagine being married to a nice woman named Norma Jean, then to have her transform into the starlet marilyn monroe? Marilyn was also known to fight with depression and drug problems throughout her life, and it has been said that the more famous she got the more depressed she would become in her private life. she was a very different person when she was out of the public eye. I think marilyn monroe is a very mysterious person, and i wonder if anyone ever really knew her.

MSN & confusion

I really like to chat on msn, and i find that i talk on it almost every day. but ive always liked talking on the phone a little bit more, just because msn can cause so much confusion! for one thing, uhm, nobody understands if youre being sarcastic or not. it can be pretty annoying to not understand sarcasm, although i guess its kind of dumb for you to expect them to get that its sarcasm. still though! ive actually gotten into arguments with people over msn just because they dont understand your tone of voice at all. also it can be pretty confusing if people are miss-spelling things and you really dont know what the on earth they are talking about. Another thing that seems a little bit sketchy about msn is that its not very private and people can so easily lie or be sneaky over msn. for example, if you dont want to look dumb in front of someone and they say "do you even know what that means?" you can so easily type it into google and pretend like you know exactly what it means, and always have. So many people will also paste a conversation over to let you in on another "private" conversation theyre having with someone else. its very sneaky! not to mention you never know who else is around while theyre talking to you. its really not very private at all! I do love msn, but still i always try to remember that it cant be trusted, and it really isnt that private at all.


Bias in the media occurs when the media reports something that is inaccurate or one-sided because of ideology, political favoritism, reliance on limited (not treating both sides equally), or other factors. Bias can show up in coverage (or the lack of) the content and analysis of stories.

The above picture and quote stuck me as weird; is it suggesting its okay to be bias past a certain point? what do you think about it? It seems wrong to me, but tell me your opinions.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Internet Safety

Internet safety is really important in this day and age . . . but their are so many way to stay safe while using the computer. the computer deffinately should not be a risk to you, but it can be. Some really good ways to stay internet safe, particularily when youre blogging include:
Be as anonymous as possible. Avoid postings that could enable a stranger to locate you. That includes your last name, the name of your school, sports teams, the town you live in, and where you hang out.
Protect your personal information.
Avoid in-person meetings, always!
Photos: Think before posting. What’s uploaded to the Net can be downloaded by anyone and passed around or posted online pretty much forever.
Check comments regularly. If you allow them on your profile or blog, check them often. Don’t respond to mean or embarrassing comments. Delete them and, if possible, block offensive people from commenting further.
Be honest about your age. Membership rules are there to protect people. If you are too young to sign up, do not attempt to lie about your age.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Animation advances killed the celebrity ?

Shrek 3, which came out just last friday, is such a good movie. But one thing that really stuck out to me was the highest level of animation. they've advanced so much just from the last movie, its insanity. You could really notice all the little things like laugh lines, and wrinkles, and even their hair looked better and more convincing. It really made me think about how quickly theyre advancing. will they even need actors and actresses by the time im forty, or will it be nothing but human voices and computer animation ? at this point I think they could so easily make animations that look like humans. at the rate of their advancement, I strongly doubt the need for actual actors and actresses. this is in part sad, because so many people feel the passion to act and express themselves through theatrical movie preformances. at the same time, i think it would be good to not idolize people for acting in movies, and maybe we'll have less of a celebrity phenomenon, and less little girls will grow up trying to act like hilary duff just because you see her in movies and on television. I think maybe it would help everyone in their everyday life if their were less celebrities dominating the face of every magazine, billboard, and commercial.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Celebrities Bias in the media

I think that its ridiculous that the news can be affected by bias. why is it that so many writers and photographers feel the need to attack celebrities through their own bias? (note: bias is a prejudice used to influence ones opinion through a different point of veiw.) I know that celebrities earn loads of money, and have pretty much everything they could ever ask for... but still. I do feel bad for alot of celebrities. I couldnt stand to be followed around by cameras and have horrible things written about me all the time. No matter how confident you are, its never nice to have mean things written about you, especially in such a public format. recently Jessica simpson woke up to see the headline "Jessica simpson: Its not a fat suit!" showing an unflattering angle saying that Jessica has gained soo much weight... shes only 130 pounds right now as opposed to 105 pounds. Star daily said that she was hosting the pussycat dolls show as opposed to hosting it because she didnt want to "squeeze" into a revealing outfit. as you can see by the picture, jessica simpson is simply obeise now...yeah right. I think it would have been so much nicer..not to mention make so much more sense, if they spun the story so that she is now a healthier weight (130 pounds is roughly the average north american womans weight,) and said that she was not going to degrade herself by performing with the pussycat dolls.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Imogen Heap

Imogen heap is a band that ive really liked lately. . well they arent so much a band as a vocalists, the only instruments she uses is her voices. what i particularily like about this band is that they're lyrics are much more like poetry than regular song lyrics. their song that im most familiar with is "Hide and Seek", which is a really mellow but extremely good song. their lyrics are very poetic as seen below.

where are we?
what the hell is going on?
the dust has only just begun to fall
crop circles in the carpet
sinking, feeling
spin me round again
and rub my eyes,this can't be happening
when busy streets a mess with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy
hide and seek
trains and sewing machines
all those years
they were here first
oily marks appear on walls
where pleasure moments hung before the takeover,
the sweeping insensitivity of this still life
hide and seek
trains and sewing machines (you won't catch me around here)
blood and tears
they were here first
Mmmm what do you say, Mmmm that you only meant well?
well of course you did
Mmmm what do you say,Mmmm that's all for the best?
ah of course it is
Mmmm what do you say? Mmmm that it's just what we need
you decided this
Mmmm what do you say?
Mmmm what did she say?
ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut out
speak no feeling
no I don't believe you
you don't care a bit,
you don't care a bit

Friday, May 4, 2007

James Audubon: naturalist, artist and... hunter?!

James Audubon is one of the most famous american naturalists, who painted and catolouged the birds of north america. Many of whom are now extinct. While this is a perfectly respectable way to go down in history, very few people know that James auduborn was actually a very avid hunter, and he actually killed every bird that he every painted. shocking, but very true. One of audbournes biographers revealed that the rarer the bird, the more eagerly Auduborn would attempt to hunt it down, regardless of the worry of extinction.
From actual diary entries of James Auduborn himself, he admitted that in order to paint the birds in natural environments, he would actually use wires to prose the corpes of the dead birds before painting them onto canvas. He even once bought a caged eagle, killed it, then painted it. over one thousand birds have been painted by james auduborn, but the body count is even higher than this considering he didnt consider every bird he killed worthy of being painted.
I think that this is proof that this so called naturalist, was actually a very sick man and it surprises me that so few animal rights activists, or art lovers for that matter, have ever heard of the disgusting methods James Aududon went through to create his mediocre art work. at the top of the page, are some painting of James Audubons birds, all of which are now extinct.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is the televison doing to us ?

When I was younger I didnt have a satelite dish for a very long time... I dont think I actually got one until I was about eleven or twelve. But still, I do think that television effected my younger years to some degree. I remember that I was deffinately obsessed with Barney. I remember I would get my mom to tape the shows if they came on when i wasnt there, then I would literally just watch the tape over and over again, which is really weird now that I think about it. I don't know why I loved Barney so much, the whole concept is actually pretty creepy when you think about it: A Dinosaur that your parents don't know about, coming alive and playing with a whole bunch of little kids and like, being their leader and singing songs with them is in my opinion, kind of creepy. I've been noticing that recently alot of childrens shows are kind of creepy. Teletubbies is some sort of creepy alternate universe, where the sun talks and tells alien like creatures what to do. Dora the Explorer seems okay at a first glance, but then after watching it you realize that Dora is constantly telling the children what to do, and teaching them to have absoloutely no opinion with her constant commands, "to get the baloon to float, clap your hands! thats right! clap your hands! like this!" Those are really the only childrens shows that I know of, and they just seem extremely weird to me.
When I was slighly older I would always watch alot of disney movies. My favourite movie was deffinately the Jungle Book, and it still is my favourite disney movie. I somewhat approve of children watching disney movies, I think they're really good because they include jokes that are amusing to parents as well. I think the jokes in disney movies can help to develop young minds to get a better sense of humour. The reason I say that I only "somewhat" approve is because the subbliminal messages in the disney movies worry me. I don't know why they're there, but some people say its just there as a joke. even if this is true, it must somewhat effect children on a subliminal level! I wonder if this is the cause of songs like "stupid girls" by Pink, trying to raise awareness of the so called stupid epidemic sweeping girls across north america. maybe these girls watched alot of disney movies in their childhood, and now they're sex-crazed and confused teenagers ?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Woman of substance: Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo is mexican artist who innovated the art world by combining realism, surrealism, and symbolism in her artwork. Frida is best known for the disturbing images depicted in her artwork; in was very common for her to paint
bloody births and deaths, fetuses corpses, and disembodied organs. Frida was quite the suversion from women of the time, as she lived from 1907- 1954. Women of the time were supposed to be very proper, and ladylike, which is quite unlike Frida. Frida was very obsessed with painting self portraits, many in which she depicted herself much uglier and more masculine then she actually was, as seen to the right. I personally think this was a sign of her insecurity, but many art scholars have suggested that she wanted to seem stronger and less vulerable, which is why she wanted to be seen as "strong" therefore masculine. Frida suffered of many injuries in her lifetime: she had polio from the age of five, was in a bus accident in 1925 and was peirced by a pole from stomach to pelvis. In order to try and make her better she was tortured with many surgical treatments of the time- she had 32 operations in her lifetime. they also gave her many different kinds of painful corsets to try and make better, and even used a mechanical "streaching" system. I think these horredous events account for why Frida was so pessimistic, and she expressed her pain through her atwork. Frida was a very innovative woman, and she broke down most gender barries of the time through her artwork.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

waking up for school . . .

This may just be my opinion because I'm extremely tired right now - - but I really think school days should start at 12 o'clock. Its just such a good idea. Its been proven that teenagers need more sleep than the average adult, but its also a well known fact that almost all teenagers stay up too late. the average teenager stays up anywhere from 10 to 3 in the morning on an normal night because most teenagers tend to get waves of energy later at night. This leaves us extremely exhausted for school the next day, and of course we cannot learn very well when we're so tired. If we could sleep in until 12 then we would be well rested and well prepared for school the next day, instead of having to wake up as early as 5 in the morning to get ready and look good in time for school. Even if you dont want to sleep in until 12 it would still be a very good deal because you would be able to shower and get ready for school in your own time, as well as you would be able to finish up any extra school work in the morning. Or, if you wanted to sleep over at a friends house on a school night it would be okay, cause you would have enough time to get back home. We would all have better brain development if we were allowed more time for sleep. Of course, if school days started at 12 that means they would probably go until around 7 o'clock. Most teenagers are opperating best later in the evening so it would work well. we would arrive home in time for dinner with our families. extra curriculer activities could be either during lunch or in the mornings -- instead of staying late after school, extra curricular students could just arrive earlier in the morning for their teams and clubs. I know some would say this is a very drastic approach to getting more sleep, and some might say "why not just get to bed earlier ?" The problem with that, is that I for one, -and Im sure many other teenagers agree- feel that after a long day of school, you really need your own time when you get home, but and after doing homework and eating dinner, it can be pretty late. after working hard all day, you just need relazation time -- and lots of it, especially when most teenagers start feeling energetic around 5 o'clock. This is why so many teenagers will stay up for hours watching television, talking on the phone, chatting online, or engaging in any other recreational activity. Teenagers would continue doing this if school went until 7 at night, but it would be perfectly fine if we had the option of sleeping in until noon the following day. for the good of all teenagers, school should start at 12 as soon as possible!


I saw the movie "Grindhouse" over the long weekend and am absoloutely in love with this movie! In my opinion, its some of the most innovative cinimatography that we've had in years. Its a double feature with the movies "death proof" as well as "Planet Terror." they are partially making fun of old- style drive in movies from the 1970's with joke ads throughout that could easily be seen in that era, as well as super cheesy acting. its very funny in its own way, as well as it has a really original plot. I liked that their were two movies. the first movie "Death Proof" was about zombies taking over the world and a stripper (who gets her leg bitten off by zombies then later got a machine gun as a leg as seen above) who helps to save the world and falls in love with an old flame again who is a very good shooter. alot of the movie doesnt really have an explanation, (which sort of makes it funnier) and it is fairly gross at some parts- but for the most part I thought it was very funny and the plot actually kept me pretty intreged throughout the whole thing.

The second movie was my favourite one called "death proof." its about this guy named stuntman mike (played by Kurt Russel) who stalks girls and then trys to kill them later with his death proof car, which is used in movies therefore really strong and can crush most cars. basically, after stuntman mike stalks down some pretty girls then later crushes them with his car, He finds some new girls. things do not go as planned though, and the girls who are also stuntpeople turn it around and chase him down. Its not only very funny, but also empowering to the "poor innocent girl" stereotype.

In conclusion; Grindhouse was a really funny, really good, really innovative film, and although its target audience seemed to be boys I thought it was very good none the less. Its deffinately a must see if youre out with friends.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I hate it when people complain about mtv not playing any music. although mtv doesnt play music videos, they do actually regularily show canadian indie bands (better than music videos in my opinion,) on mtv live. They promote the canadian music scene as well as talk about gobal issues in a humourous way on their show. they've also been known to show clips from the internet such as youtube clips on their show. the hosts are all very laid back, regular people, but they are also really quarky and fresh. Not only that they also have original programming such as The Hills, Laguna beach, Next, Made, MTV live, MTV live shuffle, engaged & underaged, room raiders, my super sweet sixteen, and so on. they also have original commercials that are artistic and innovative. In between shows, the hosts will actually just sit and discuss whats happening on the show, or really whatever they want to discuss. it sort of reminds me of tvo that way, the way the hosts are always there to engage you and make you think about whats happening on the show. similar to how between arthur Patty and Joe would discuss whats going on. maybe thats why I like it so much, its sort of like a tvo for teenagers. I honestly think that mtv captures this decade and teenage pop culture better than anything else in the media today, more people should watch mtv!

Tri-Cyclen commercials

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the commercial showing young girls trying new things, with the voiceover of "try being good! try being bad! try sleeping in! try being your own girl!" and so on and so on. But only recently did it occur to me that these girls--these 14 to 15 year old girls are advertising birth control. Its not that I'm against sex or anything, its just that these girls seem really really young to be advertising birth control. Some of the girls even look like they could be in grade eight or something. It really makes me wonder what the advertisers are trying to do. are they trying to get teens and pre-teens to have sex at a younger age ? the weirdest thing about this commercial is that it really doesnt stand out very much at all; most people don't even notice its advertising birth control, and if they do realize that they don't put together that the commercial is insinuating these pre-teen girls are having sex. The main slogan of the commercial is "try being your own girl." Is it trying to tell young girls that they can only be themselves by having (extremely) underaged sex ?

Friday, March 30, 2007

conformism in the workplace

I recently have had my ears peirced -- they are now peirced 3 times on each ear. I really like them-but i didnt realize until after i got them that they really don't like them at the place where I work. they technically can't fire me for them or anything, but it still really upsets most of my supervisors and managers.. I can't understand this at all ! I don't see why having peircings should in any way effect my job performance. I only work at a fast food place, but we are still not allowed to have more than one peircing per ear, no visbable tatoos, and no "crazy" hair colours. I really think that they should lower these standards, especially since many teenagers experiment with peircings and hair colours, and teenagers are the main people who would want to work at a fast food place anyways.
It bugs me that they insist on conformism in these workplaces, by basically asking all workers to look the same as each other. we all must wear the standard uniform at all times, (we can't go out front even if we're just missing our hat,) no jewlery of any kind, no nail polish, and of course no peircings, crazy hair colours, or visible tatoos. When we have had inspections in our work there has actually been points taken of examination of our store based on my two too many peircings per ear. I think this is so discriminatory-- I dont know why they care so much that we all look the same. Do you think that it really gives the image of professionalism by having all the workers seem like the same person ? I think that it makes us seem like we're not real people, and we don't have lives outside of work.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I really, really like the new hellogoodbye cd, "Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!" Some of thier songs just have the cutest lyrics I've ever heard. I don't usually listen to techno-inspired music but seriously some of their lyrics are just so cute. for example, I love the words to their song two weeks in hawaii, which are..

You've got your airplane
And I've got the plain air of here
You're gone and I've gone insane
Oh when will you reappear
I'm just some new kid
Who can't get his mind off of you
And I know that it's stupid
Cause you've got Hawaii
And I've gotten no letters from you
I should stop whiningCause its only been a day or two...I don't know what you did
But you got me to fall for you
I know its stupid
Your families rad and I
Wish that they were here today
But they're thousands and thousands of miles away
I felt so bad when your momCaught us eating ice cream in your
Room at three in the morning'
Cause id hate for her
To not want me around her daughter cause my heart stops everytime
You've got PolaroidAnd you even know how to rhymeId be overjoyed
If we could just hang out sometime
I don't know what you did
But you got me to fall for you
And I know that its stupid
But you know that I try
Your drawing's rad and I
Put in on my wall and I made
Sure it wouldn't fall cause if it did
My straw wrapper might tear
And there would be no knot and I would
Feel like id been shot right through the heart
And id fall apart but id remember how
My heart stops everytime
You are so special
I just hope that we can be friends
I'll wait forever
But I guess that it all depends
On you and yours
So come on and dance with me
Cause you are so special
I hope that this makes you smile
And you might stay that way for a while
Cause you deserve every grin that you get
And you'll get em a lot from me
You are so special
I just hope that we can be friends
I'll wait forever
But I guess that it all depends
On you and yours
So come on and dance with me
Cause you are so special
And my heart stops every time.

Monday, March 26, 2007

You want to know why I'm vegetarian ?

I've been vegetarian for almost 11 months now, and it really makes me feel much better about myself for not eating animals. I hate it when adults act like I'm some sort of malnutriented child because I don't eat meat. I've had many adults ask me continuous questions such as "but where do you get your protien ?" and listing off countless vitamins that meat provides, even though i can easily get the nutrients elsewhere without having to support the meat industry. Non-vegetarians will always argue that it is impossible to have a balanced diet without meat, but their are actually so many other efficient sources of protein found in eggs, beans, nuts, peanut butter, soy, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. You can easily be healthy without meat, actually healthier, as most saturated and trans-fats are found specifically in meat. I dont even notice the absense of meat in my diet, unless Im visiting someones house. alot of times when visiting a carnivourous house I find it sort of mind-blowing that the family can be so flustered about what food to make me. meat really isn't that neccessary in a diet, its actually the least neccessary food group, yet one of the most used in every day north america. This is really sad, considering that meat is actual animals. I seriously think its morally wrong to eat animals of any kind. When a human being is killed it is against the law, peoples lives are changed and people mourn for years. that person who passed away is missed for lifetimes. yet when an animal is killed --a living breathing animal also capable of thoughts and feelings-- it isnt mourned at all. It's eaten. its legal to kill them. millions of cows are born to die. if millions of people were born to die, it would sound like some kind of scary horror film, but its reality for many other animals. I think its upsetting that the human racise is so in control of everything, including the lives of other species. I dont think that our species has the right to do that, when we are all living organims and should all share basic rights.

The search for the next pussycat doll: umm, what ?

So when I was watching t.v the other week, I somehow ended up watching the search for the next pussycat doll. yeah.. this show doesnt make sense. i mean, the actual pussycat doll band are a bunch of completely untalented girls, so i dont see why i contest is held to replace one of them. Its kind of a burn on all bands to call them a band, especially since none of them play any instruments, only ONE of them is actually capable of singing, and they deffinately dont write their music. (even if they do...its bad anyways.) The girls on this show actually are pretty good dancers, but with all due respect to professional dancers...they sort of seem like strippers to me. why would you go on national televison to audition to be a stipper? Maybe they just try out to get on t.v, and don't even want to win. they pussycat dolls arent even considered celebrities. it doesnt make sense why anyone would want to win that show.