Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Animation advances killed the celebrity ?

Shrek 3, which came out just last friday, is such a good movie. But one thing that really stuck out to me was the highest level of animation. they've advanced so much just from the last movie, its insanity. You could really notice all the little things like laugh lines, and wrinkles, and even their hair looked better and more convincing. It really made me think about how quickly theyre advancing. will they even need actors and actresses by the time im forty, or will it be nothing but human voices and computer animation ? at this point I think they could so easily make animations that look like humans. at the rate of their advancement, I strongly doubt the need for actual actors and actresses. this is in part sad, because so many people feel the passion to act and express themselves through theatrical movie preformances. at the same time, i think it would be good to not idolize people for acting in movies, and maybe we'll have less of a celebrity phenomenon, and less little girls will grow up trying to act like hilary duff just because you see her in movies and on television. I think maybe it would help everyone in their everyday life if their were less celebrities dominating the face of every magazine, billboard, and commercial.

1 comment:

hews said...

I totally agree with you deary. But I doubt the acting profession will ever diminish completely, although we all want it too! it would really be beneificial, but do u think that kids would turn their fashion icons into animated ones? Dressing like their favorite character? That could be kind of strange!