Monday, April 16, 2007

Woman of substance: Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo is mexican artist who innovated the art world by combining realism, surrealism, and symbolism in her artwork. Frida is best known for the disturbing images depicted in her artwork; in was very common for her to paint
bloody births and deaths, fetuses corpses, and disembodied organs. Frida was quite the suversion from women of the time, as she lived from 1907- 1954. Women of the time were supposed to be very proper, and ladylike, which is quite unlike Frida. Frida was very obsessed with painting self portraits, many in which she depicted herself much uglier and more masculine then she actually was, as seen to the right. I personally think this was a sign of her insecurity, but many art scholars have suggested that she wanted to seem stronger and less vulerable, which is why she wanted to be seen as "strong" therefore masculine. Frida suffered of many injuries in her lifetime: she had polio from the age of five, was in a bus accident in 1925 and was peirced by a pole from stomach to pelvis. In order to try and make her better she was tortured with many surgical treatments of the time- she had 32 operations in her lifetime. they also gave her many different kinds of painful corsets to try and make better, and even used a mechanical "streaching" system. I think these horredous events account for why Frida was so pessimistic, and she expressed her pain through her atwork. Frida was a very innovative woman, and she broke down most gender barries of the time through her artwork.

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