Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is the televison doing to us ?

When I was younger I didnt have a satelite dish for a very long time... I dont think I actually got one until I was about eleven or twelve. But still, I do think that television effected my younger years to some degree. I remember that I was deffinately obsessed with Barney. I remember I would get my mom to tape the shows if they came on when i wasnt there, then I would literally just watch the tape over and over again, which is really weird now that I think about it. I don't know why I loved Barney so much, the whole concept is actually pretty creepy when you think about it: A Dinosaur that your parents don't know about, coming alive and playing with a whole bunch of little kids and like, being their leader and singing songs with them is in my opinion, kind of creepy. I've been noticing that recently alot of childrens shows are kind of creepy. Teletubbies is some sort of creepy alternate universe, where the sun talks and tells alien like creatures what to do. Dora the Explorer seems okay at a first glance, but then after watching it you realize that Dora is constantly telling the children what to do, and teaching them to have absoloutely no opinion with her constant commands, "to get the baloon to float, clap your hands! thats right! clap your hands! like this!" Those are really the only childrens shows that I know of, and they just seem extremely weird to me.
When I was slighly older I would always watch alot of disney movies. My favourite movie was deffinately the Jungle Book, and it still is my favourite disney movie. I somewhat approve of children watching disney movies, I think they're really good because they include jokes that are amusing to parents as well. I think the jokes in disney movies can help to develop young minds to get a better sense of humour. The reason I say that I only "somewhat" approve is because the subbliminal messages in the disney movies worry me. I don't know why they're there, but some people say its just there as a joke. even if this is true, it must somewhat effect children on a subliminal level! I wonder if this is the cause of songs like "stupid girls" by Pink, trying to raise awareness of the so called stupid epidemic sweeping girls across north america. maybe these girls watched alot of disney movies in their childhood, and now they're sex-crazed and confused teenagers ?

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