Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bloc Party

Bloc party is one of the most popular new indie bands lately. . .and i must say, i really do love their music. particularily the song "this modern love." Its mellow but at the same time, its deffinately not background music. I love the sound of the lead singers voice too, he really has one of the best british accents, even better than the lead singer of the Artic monkeys--and i really do like the artic monkeys too. Im beginning to think that british indie music is one of the best sub-catergories of indie music. although really all indie music is great in my opinion. to hear the song check out this music video.

1 comment:

Licentia_Sermo said...

Well, Sally (if that is your real name) I hardly agree that he's better than the lead singer of Arctic Monkeys ... I mean really?!? Hey, did you ever notice that "Monkey" ends in "y", so according to like every grammar rule ever, shouldn't "Monkeys" be spelled "monkIES"???? ehh? eehhhhhhhh? I think so!