Friday, June 15, 2007

Movie Review: The Usual suspects

This past week in media we've gotten to watch the movie "The Usual suspects." Im not usually big on action movies, but i actually felt this movie was really good, even though Kevin Spacey was the lead character. (Yeah, i really can't stand Kevin Spacey usually, its his voice or something, it really just drives me up the wall. maybe its the fact that his hair looks like a vampire. i dont know, all i know for sure is i usually just am not a fan of him.) Still, this movie had a really interesting an unique plot, and i thought it was cool that besides being a regular action movie it also incorportated a little bit of magical themes with The Devil being a bad guy-- now thats original. i was also quite surprised by who the devil in fact turned out being. that was such a shocker, oh my. I really dont want to give away anything to people who havent seen it yet, but all i can say is that people should deffinately see it when they can. This movie impressed me alot more than i thought it would, the usual suspects is deffinately a good movie.

* * * (3 stars)

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