Monday, March 26, 2007

You want to know why I'm vegetarian ?

I've been vegetarian for almost 11 months now, and it really makes me feel much better about myself for not eating animals. I hate it when adults act like I'm some sort of malnutriented child because I don't eat meat. I've had many adults ask me continuous questions such as "but where do you get your protien ?" and listing off countless vitamins that meat provides, even though i can easily get the nutrients elsewhere without having to support the meat industry. Non-vegetarians will always argue that it is impossible to have a balanced diet without meat, but their are actually so many other efficient sources of protein found in eggs, beans, nuts, peanut butter, soy, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. You can easily be healthy without meat, actually healthier, as most saturated and trans-fats are found specifically in meat. I dont even notice the absense of meat in my diet, unless Im visiting someones house. alot of times when visiting a carnivourous house I find it sort of mind-blowing that the family can be so flustered about what food to make me. meat really isn't that neccessary in a diet, its actually the least neccessary food group, yet one of the most used in every day north america. This is really sad, considering that meat is actual animals. I seriously think its morally wrong to eat animals of any kind. When a human being is killed it is against the law, peoples lives are changed and people mourn for years. that person who passed away is missed for lifetimes. yet when an animal is killed --a living breathing animal also capable of thoughts and feelings-- it isnt mourned at all. It's eaten. its legal to kill them. millions of cows are born to die. if millions of people were born to die, it would sound like some kind of scary horror film, but its reality for many other animals. I think its upsetting that the human racise is so in control of everything, including the lives of other species. I dont think that our species has the right to do that, when we are all living organims and should all share basic rights.


MzQbit said...

sallyspaghetti -

congrats on taking a stand and changing your life in a way that you truly believe in. I look up to you on this as I feel like a hypocrite everytime I eat meat, knowing that if I had to go out and kill things myself there is no way that I would eat it.

This info also gives me new insight into your name; I was picturing a spaghetti with meatballs, but from now on I will picture it extra tomatoey!

Kise said...

I feel like a hypocrite just like mzqbit, but I just can't stop eating meat. I respect people who are able to give up something like that. Im also really into healthy eating, so its hard to find things that give me the protein, and still make me feel full. I wish I could do what your doing though, because eating meat makes me feel guilty!

enigma said...

Hey Sally, i agree with your standpoint on meat and as you know I am also a vegetarian. There was one time that I was at my friends eating a meat burger and across from us was a cow and it stood there and looked at me.... I felt bad at the time, but hey. I think that people have the option to kill animals if they do indeed want to eat them but I don't think I ever will eat meat again. Whenever I see meat I think of what it used to be and it creeps me out!