Friday, March 30, 2007

conformism in the workplace

I recently have had my ears peirced -- they are now peirced 3 times on each ear. I really like them-but i didnt realize until after i got them that they really don't like them at the place where I work. they technically can't fire me for them or anything, but it still really upsets most of my supervisors and managers.. I can't understand this at all ! I don't see why having peircings should in any way effect my job performance. I only work at a fast food place, but we are still not allowed to have more than one peircing per ear, no visbable tatoos, and no "crazy" hair colours. I really think that they should lower these standards, especially since many teenagers experiment with peircings and hair colours, and teenagers are the main people who would want to work at a fast food place anyways.
It bugs me that they insist on conformism in these workplaces, by basically asking all workers to look the same as each other. we all must wear the standard uniform at all times, (we can't go out front even if we're just missing our hat,) no jewlery of any kind, no nail polish, and of course no peircings, crazy hair colours, or visible tatoos. When we have had inspections in our work there has actually been points taken of examination of our store based on my two too many peircings per ear. I think this is so discriminatory-- I dont know why they care so much that we all look the same. Do you think that it really gives the image of professionalism by having all the workers seem like the same person ? I think that it makes us seem like we're not real people, and we don't have lives outside of work.


MzQbit said...

I'm really surprised to hear that your employee was so upset about your piercings. I thought society was becoming more tolerant about things like that. What would really bug me if I were you is not only that it happened, but the fact that your boss answers to some head-honcho at the corporation headquaters. So your boss doesn't even have any ownership or responsibility to these rules that he/she is enforcing; s/he is just maintaining the status quo of the corporation, trying to get as many points as s/he can for his/her franchise. These points probably translate into dollars somehow or another. This all leaves you relatively powerless, because you can't even really express your anger to your boss, knowing that s/he is just trying to make a living.

In conclusion, this is another example of how corporations are sucking the life out of communities.

Poor you - I hope you are making above minimum wage and all of your earnings are going to getting a good education so you can get the heck out of there!

sensgirl1512 said...

I work at No Frills and when I first got my eyebrow pierced I had to wear a band-aid over it. Its now healed and I just take it out for work. We actually had someone complain about the fact that we had to cover up our piercings at work. I think it is really stupid. They aren't hurting anyone.

hews said...

Awww... Thats horrible. I could however see some old lady walk into timmies and be like wowieee... And somehow get offended but how many old people can walk into timmies. lol I think they should encourage individuality... A work place like that could get some good publicity for that.