Tuesday, April 17, 2007
What is the televison doing to us ?
When I was slighly older I would always watch alot of disney movies. My favourite movie was deffinately the Jungle Book, and it still is my favourite disney movie. I somewhat approve of children watching disney movies, I think they're really good because they include jokes that are amusing to parents as well. I think the jokes in disney movies can help to develop young minds to get a better sense of humour. The reason I say that I only "somewhat" approve is because the subbliminal messages in the disney movies worry me. I don't know why they're there, but some people say its just there as a joke. even if this is true, it must somewhat effect children on a subliminal level! I wonder if this is the cause of songs like "stupid girls" by Pink, trying to raise awareness of the so called stupid epidemic sweeping girls across north america. maybe these girls watched alot of disney movies in their childhood, and now they're sex-crazed and confused teenagers ?
Monday, April 16, 2007
Woman of substance: Frida Kahlo

bloody births and deaths, fetuses corpses, and disembodied organs. Frida was quite the suversion from women of the time, as she lived from 1907- 1954. Women of the time were supposed to be very proper, and ladylike, which is quite unlike Frida. Frida was very obsessed with painting self portraits, many in which she depicted herself much uglier and more masculine then she actually was, as seen to the right. I personally think this was a sign of her insecurity, but many art scholars have suggested that she wanted to seem stronger and less vulerable, which is why she wanted to be seen as "strong" therefore masculine. Frida suffered of many injuries in her lifetime: she had polio from the age of five, was in a bus accident in 1925 and was peirced by a pole from stomach to pelvis. In order to try and make her better she was tortured with many surgical treatments of the time- she had 32 operations in her lifetime. they also gave her many different kinds of painful corsets to try and make better, and even used a mechanical "streaching" system. I think these horredous events account for why Frida was so pessimistic, and she expressed her pain through her atwork. Frida was a very innovative woman, and she broke down most gender barries of the time through her artwork.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
waking up for school . . .

This may just be my opinion because I'm extremely tired right now - - but I really think school days should start at 12 o'clock. Its just such a good idea. Its been proven that teenagers need more sleep than the average adult, but its also a well known fact that almost all teenagers stay up too late. the average teenager stays up anywhere from 10 to 3 in the morning on an normal night because most teenagers tend to get waves of energy later at night. This leaves us extremely exhausted for school the next day, and of course we cannot learn very well when we're so tired. If we could sleep in until 12 then we would be well rested and well prepared for school the next day, instead of having to wake up as early as 5 in the morning to get ready and look good in time for school. Even if you dont want to sleep in until 12 it would still be a very good deal because you would be able to shower and get ready for school in your own time, as well as you would be able to finish up any extra school work in the morning. Or, if you wanted to sleep over at a friends house on a school night it would be okay, cause you would have enough time to get back home. We would all have better brain development if we were allowed more time for sleep. Of course, if school days started at 12 that means they would probably go until around 7 o'clock. Most teenagers are opperating best later in the evening so it would work well. we would arrive home in time for dinner with our families. extra curriculer activities could be either during lunch or in the mornings -- instead of staying late after school, extra curricular students could just arrive earlier in the morning for their teams and clubs. I know some would say this is a very drastic approach to getting more sleep, and some might say "why not just get to bed earlier ?" The problem with that, is that I for one, -and Im sure many other teenagers agree- feel that after a long day of school, you really need your own time when you get home, but and after doing homework and eating dinner, it can be pretty late. after working hard all day, you just need relazation time -- and lots of it, especially when most teenagers start feeling energetic around 5 o'clock. This is why so many teenagers will stay up for hours watching television, talking on the phone, chatting online, or engaging in any other recreational activity. Teenagers would continue doing this if school went until 7 at night, but it would be perfectly fine if we had the option of sleeping in until noon the following day. for the good of all teenagers, school should start at 12 as soon as possible!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007